The beloved HBO series Game of Thrones returned with its season four premiere on Sunday, bringing with it our favorite intro and theme song. While many of us have a habit of humming the catchy tune to ourselves, wouldn’t we secretly prefer to hear it screamed by goats, or meowed by cats? Fortunately, some ambitious YouTubers are happy to oblige.
To pass the time until the next episode, check out these cute little animals singing along with the Game of Thrones theme song. It’s pretty epic! I don’t think King Joffery will be decapitating any of these furry creatures, at least we can hope.
These “Game of Goats” singers are clearly reacting to the Red Wedding:
This cat version of “Game of Thrones” is strangely mesmorizing:
The Hound would approve of this dog’s rendition:
Dog and cat battle for theme song supremacy:
Last (and possibly least) is the fish version. House Tully, perhaps?
Which one is your favorite?