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The Wolf Among Us Announced by Telltale Games!


Posted March 27, 2013 by

Telltale Games announced that their game constructed around DC Comics’ Fables will be called The Wolf Among Us. The Wolf Among Us is essentially a prequel to the Fables comics, and allows players to take on the role of Bigby Wolf. As Bigby, it’s the players’ job to keep fairy tale characters’ existence on the down low so they’re not detected by non-fairy tale folk. It’s also said that players will be able to decide whether or not Bigby Wolf will attempt to work for the greater good and make it his job to keep those around him safe, or if he will give in to the wolf in him.

Dan Connors, the CEO of Telltale, seems to be excited about the game and had this to say about it, “Developing The Wolf Among Us based on the Fables universe has allowed our studio to build upon all of the hallmarks of what makes our episodic series so engaging for players…Through an evolution of our approach to choice and consequence, we can further explore the complexity of each and every iconic character in a universe rich with untold history from the darkest sides of the storybooks.”

The Wolf Among Us is expected to hit homes this summer, and will be released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, and Mac. Make sure to check back with us as we learn more!




Source: IGN




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