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Carbine Releases New WildStar Strain Video That Shows Promising Epicness


Posted June 30, 2014 by


Carbine gives players a sneak peak into its new content upgrade for WildStar called Strain. This new upgrade tells players that there will be something for everyone! The developer wrote “Whether you are a lore aficionado, customization guru, or max-leveled, murder machine who is ready to conquer new missions our new update will blow. Your. Mind.”

All new playable areas and levels will be available as well as old levels that have taken on a new look. Boss battles and awesome gear is what players can also expect to see in this new update.

In the way of rewards, players can earn amazing gear, household items, a hover board, costumes and a new mount! The possibilities are endless with this new upgrade to an already awesome game!

Players can expect to see this upgrade very soon. So keep an eye out for this one, you wouldn’t want to miss it!




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