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Top 5 Anime On Netflix Instant Watch


Posted February 16, 2015 by

Here at All That’s Epic we are starting a new segment entitled “Top 5”. This series will bring you different, film related, and sometimes random lists of film and television recommendations.

Our inaugural article brings you the Top 5 animes currently on Netflix Instant Watch. Unfortunately, Netflix doesn’t have a massive selection, but these 5 should give any anime fan joy! The list is presented alphabetically.

Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan

If you’re an anime in basically any capacity then chances are you’ve already heard about Attack on Titan. The series is massively popular with both genre experts and people with little to no genre experience. The show centers on three young protagonists who enlist in their home’s military in order to battle giant Titans hellbent on eating humans. Of course, like any good anime, the show evolves over the course of the season and becomes something much deeper. If you are looking for a starting point in anime as a whole, Attack on Titan is the golden ticket! Not to mention a season 2 is being produced for 2016!

Death Note

Death Note

I have to admit, at certain points in the series Death Note can get a little tedious or, for lack of a better word, sidetracked. Don’t let that small grievance dissuade you, however. Death Note is a legendary anime that has spawned buckets of merchandise, live action films, cosplay and all sorts of other random stuff. Its premise is one of my all time favorites for an anime, and it’s actually the sort of show that’s best to go into blind. Just take a look at some screenshots, and maybe read the little synopsis offered on Netflix. I’m not sure if this is the best starting point for those new to the genre, but I’m sure it will entertain and engage anyone who gives it a chance.

Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist

It’s a little depressing that they took off the arguably better Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give the original anime series a chance. FMA follows two brothers in a fantasy scape centered around the ability of alchemy, which allows many of the characters to essentially perform magic. The show is, I believe, the second longest on the top 5, so it gets deep into one of anime’s most impressive and ambitious mythos. Exploring themes like family, loss, friendship, forgiveness, redemption and a million other, wonderful things. This, like Attack on Titan, is a great starting point for new genre members, and a fantastic series for established genre fans. If you end up enjoying it, I’d recommend seeking out the above mentioned remake, Brotherhood.


Pokemon on Netflix Instant Watch

Okay, this one might seem like a strange choice, but you’d have to be living under a Geodude to not have heard of Pokemon. The whole series is a phenomenon. From the video games, to the toys, the card game, the clothes, to this series, everything is done with quality and care. I loved this show when I was growing up, and recently went back to rewatch a ton of episodes. Though the show can be a little cheesy at times, the nostalgia factor alone warrants a big recommendation. If you’ve never seen it before, or if you have kids who haven’t seen it, this is the only anime on the list that’s truly all ages.

Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo on Netflix Instant

Last, but far from least, is probably my single favorite anime on Netflix. Samurai Champloo comes from the creator of the legendary (and highly recommended), Cowboy Bebop. Champloo, like Bebop, mixes action, humor, indepth character study, modern and classical influences, and one of the prettiest art styles to create one of the best animes around. As the title suggests, the 26-episode series follows two samurai, and the young woman they have pledged to help. Their mission is simply to find the young woman’s estranged father. The journey ends up going much deeper than that, as the past of each character is explored through different encounters and plot lines. The use of modern hip hop music gives the entire thing a crazy vibe that’s only comparison might be to the film Ghost Dog with Forest Whitaker. I can’t recommend this one highly enough for all comers. It’s entertaining from the get go, and wildly rewarding by series end.

Hopefully, these 5 picks will get your anime senses tingling. Netflix selection may be limited, but there are plenty of hidden games waiting to be picked up so explore past these 5 titles! Never stop watching!


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