Devil May Cry’s Dante Gets Sexy Cosplay


Posted March 17, 2015 by

Photography by Jeprox Shots

Devil May Cry is a video game franchise that holds a strong place in the heart of many gamers.  It is a game that was revolutionary for the hack-and-slash genre and brought action-packed gameplay along with characters that were easily loved, or adversely, despised.  The main character in the Devil May Cry franchise, Dante, has become a video game icon over the past few years.  He was even given a whole new look a few years ago with the DmC reboot.  However, many fans greatly preferred the white-haired Dante from the original Devil May Cry games, as seen here in this incredible cosplay by the gorgeous Sinne Doll.


Sinne Doll takes Dante’s classic look and modifies the costume to one that adds a bit more sex appeal.  Yet, Sinne keeps Dante’s classic white hair and long red leather coat to create a cosplay that is unique yet instantly recognizable.  Wouldn’t we have loved if Dante’s recreation looked a bit more like this!

dante-cosplay-3Photography by JwaiDesign Photography

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