Morgiana Breaks Free in Dragon Fin Soup Cosplay


Posted June 18, 2015 by

Grimm Bros bring fairy tales back to their darker roots with tactical and rouge-like elements in their RPG game Dragon Fin Soup. Morgiana is one of the playable characters in the game, drawing inspiration from the tale Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, she is a trained assassin. Skilled in numerous weapons, she was a living weapon, doling out death for her masters. That was her life until she tired of being used and turned her formidable skills against the very people that trained her. An extremely powerful character, not only is she well versed in multiple weapons, but she also possess the ability to teleport.


Cosplayer Electric Lady becomes the skilled assassin in this amazing cosplay. The peekaboo top is connected via straps to the bikini bottom. There is a veil of purple fabric hanging off her hip, drawing to mind her inspiration. Her shoulder armor is stunning and well crafted along with her leg armor, perfectly showcasing her armor skills. Wearing heels, Electric Lady is an amazing Morgiana.

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Photography by RickyFromVegas



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