Gorgeous Ezreal Cosplay Fearlessly Explores The Realm


Posted June 18, 2015 by

Ezreal is a young adventurer from League of Legends whose daring exploration feats include many locations on Runeterra. While exploring the ancient ruins of Shurima, Ezreal found an amulet that was able to be fitted onto his arm. This talisman is able to amplify his sorcerous skill. This marksman and mage can utilize his magic and accuracy to bring down any foe. Cosplayer Danielle Beaulieu makes an adorable female version of Ezreal, and keeps all of the essential aspects of his character, such as his goggles and signature gauntlet, while making the cosplay her own. Her confident pose really captures Ezreal’s can-do attitude.

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Photography by Vander Photography



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Kris Kittie

Kris Kittie