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It’s-a Meagan Marie: Super Mario Cosplay!


Posted July 9, 2013 by


These days you would be hard pressed to find a gamer, new and old alike, that hasn’t heard of that little Italian plumber and played through many of his shenanigans. From the first time you see that flag drop at the end of the level you just owned, to coming at us in 3D, Mario has one of the most recognizable faces in the gaming world. The little mustachioed warrior has provided countless hours of fun and fury (seriously, the princess is STILL in another castle?!) and continues to be one of Nintendo’s main powerhouse sellers. It’s no surprise that folks would love him so much that they want to do amazing Mario portrayals.

mario-cosplay-3Lovely Cosplayer Meagan Marie has taken the beloved hero and put a really adorable spin on the usual take. Her fun lady verison of Mario stays true to his original look, even while losing that famous moustache. Don’t worry, no one is missing it after seeing how beautiful Mario can be without one.



To see more amazing cosplays by Meagan Marie, make sure you check out her Facebook Page!


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Written by Guest Contributor: Novblue

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