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Mojang Announce Potentially Record Breaking Sales for PS3 Version of Minecraft


Posted January 24, 2014 by


In spite of having already taken the world by storm, Minecraft developers Mojang just announced that the PlayStation version of their indie mega-hit has recently sold over a million copies, boasting “that has to be some kind of record on PSN, no?” According to a recent NPD report it was one of the best-selling games of 2013 and actually sold more copies than every single version of Disney Infinity combined!

Less of a game and more of a movement – Minecraft has now sold over 33 million units and is marked as the 6th best-selling PC game of all time. Mojang business developer Daniel Kaplan said of the success, “It is crazy considering the game was released just before Christmas last year. We are super grateful for the support and we are very thankful for your dedication and I hope you will like the future updates we have planned for you (more on that in a later blog post.)”

Sony recently announced that Minecraft is in active development for the PS4 and the PS Vita, both editions will be released sometime in 2014.



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