American Horror Story
AHS Freak Show Cast
AHS Freak Show Cast
AHS Freak Show Cast

“American Horror Story: Freak Show” Cast Revealed in Poster

Another teaser dropped this morning for American Horror Story. Rather than spotlight, we need to admit one into the show, please. The hand we see looks to be from an octopus or something very creepy. Also, a new poster shows th...
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show

‘American Horror Story: Freak Show’ Gets a Teased “Spotlight”

It’s about to get weird in here! In a small town in Florida around 1950, a Freak Show has come to town and is one of the last standing. Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen the world’s smallest woman, new cast members an...

American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show

Matt Bomer to Star in “American Horror Story: Freak Show”

Matt Bomer, who many may know from White Collar, will be guest staring in American Horror Story: Freak Show as it was revealed over the weekend. Showrunner Murphy has worked with him in the past on shows such as The New Normal ...
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show

“American Horror Story: Freak Show” Details Emerge

This is the story of the performers and their desperate journey of survival amidst the dying world of the American carny experience.

AHS Freak Show
AHS Freak Show
AHS Freak Show

American Horror Story: Freak Show Teaser and Premiere Date

FX’s horror series "American Horror Story: Freak Show" has served up a premiere date, an official description, and its first disturbing mini-teaser.
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show

‘American Horror Story: Freak Show’ Casts World’s Smallest Woman

American Horror Story certainly topped the weird scale last season but in case you’ve been missing the head lines, the freak show is coming to town. A newly casted person is joining and she is the smallest woman in the world.

American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show
American Horror Story: Freak Show

AHS Freak Show: First Pic of Sarah Paulson as the Two-Headed Lady

Sarah Paulson tweeted her first character image from the upcoming American Horror Story: Freak Show and be forewarned, two heads are better than one.
American Horror Story: Coven Season 3 Finale "The Seven Wonders"
American Horror Story: Coven Season 3 Finale "The Seven Wonders"
American Horror Story: Coven Season 3 Finale "The Seven Wonders"

American Horror Story Coven S3 Finale Review: “The Seven Wonders”

I remember a few years ago I went on a vacation to Disneyland. The first few days of the trip were awesome. My family and I were able to walk from our hotels to the park as well as about fifty restaurants. It was shaping up to ...