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Assassin’s Creed Unity Patch to Tackle Frame Rate Issues and Other Problems


Posted November 25, 2014 by

While most might except a glitch or two when a new title hits, but that doesn’t change how disheartening it can be. Gamers seek out a smooth experience when it comes to killing foes, and where Assassin’s Creed Unity is concerned, unfortunately this doesn’t hold true. Luckily, Ubisoft has heard the complaints made by players and plans to address a handful of issues head on. In order to fix the more than ninety crashes Assassin’s Creed Unity has faces, as well as the bugs and frame rate drops, the developer plans to release a hefty patch for the title.

The patch is to go viral tomorrow — just before the holiday, and Ubisoft has shed light on the hundreds of fixes that are coming gamers’ way. PlayStation 4 users will get the patch first, with a fix for the other platforms to follow shortly after. Here’s a small peak at what’s rolling out tomorrow:

  • Fixed specific framerate drops
  • Improved general Framerate on PS4 by lowering the priority of the online services thread
  • Fixed FPS drops while Arno climbs on the RHP building of Palais de Justice
  • Fixed FPS drops when in climbing and pressing the Left Stick towards somewhere that is not climbable in certain areas
  • Fixed FPS drops in Sainte Chapelle

Of course, nothing is perfect the first time — or perhaps it’s more that not everything can be fixed the first time around. Either way, Ubisoft plans to release another patch in the future to further rid gamers of frame rate issues. For a more expansive list of what changes are heading assassin’s way, check out the forum post on the developer’s site.



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