Black Cat Prowls the Night In Epic Cosplay


Posted February 12, 2015 by

Photography by Eva

Felicia Hardy, better known as Black Cat, first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #194 in 1979. Hardy took followed in her father’s footsteps as a cat burglar after a traumatic event took place in college at the same time her father was arrested for his crimes. Filled with rage, she channeled her energy into training in gymnastics as well as martial arts. Donning her skintight costume, she taught herself a thief’s tricks of the trade and set about stealing to replace what was stolen from her. Starting as a villain, she reformed her ways when she fell in love with Spider-Man.


Cosplayer Bellatrix Aiden becomes Black Cat in a breathtaking cosplay. Featuring a white fur adorned black bodysuit with the signature plunging neckline, Bellatrix Aiden strikes poses reminiscent of her feline namesake. A black mask covers her face as silver hair cascades down her back. She makes a truly ravishing Black Cat.

black-cat-cosplay-3Photography by Pugoffka



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